After my 21-year marriage ended, I took time to self-reflect and watch Netflix. In November 2021, to get me out of the house, a friend (Dee Freeman) invited me to a Holiday Train Ride, but I missed the deadline to pay. So, Dee came back sharing how much fun she had and the wonderful women she had met. A few days went by, and I began to think about this Glam Nation group Dee spoke of. I decided to call Damita, and the voice on the other end came across full of life and excitement… like sitting on ready to tell me about the GLAM Nation life. After speaking with Damita, with her pleasant personality, I wonder if this group of women all carried a similar positive spirit? Well, I wanted and need to network, connect with spiritual minded sisters, embrace getting out more and having fun, exploring, and experience the joy of living life AGAIN…I decided to join.
I’ve attended several events, where we’ve laughed, cried, learned more about the importance of self-care, prayed together, and just shared girl-time bonding. The women of Glam Nation are Super Women individually and collectively! I am truly grateful and thankful to God for allowing me to have a life journey to have such beautiful spirit ladies as my sistas. And, this is why every female I know and meet who needs an outlet, as well as positive, strong, fun, and loving women in their circle, I immediately tell them about GLAM Nation and quickly get their email address to pass to Damita.
Thank you, and much love to Damita, and my GLAM NATION sista circle.